Thursday 3 July 2014

Writing in Room 26

 In room 26 we have been writing about the recent Tauranga Intermediate school cross country!
To see more go to our individual blogs.

Bella Boom! the gun fired I burst across the start line feeling like a horse that had just escaped from the gates and was starting the race. I could feel the ground vibrate beneath my feet as the crowd rumbled across the field. I had no pain now but knew it was soon to come. ” Ahh this stupid crowd ” I said under my rough breath, we were rounding a corner and the group I was stuck in, slowed as a result of the narrow path,  everybody was trying desperately to escape the hussle.

When I was freed  I sprinted onto the sidewalk outside of the school making shore no one could pass this was when the sweat began, it dripped down my forehead  I could feel my face burning in the sunlight I felt like a mountain trekker being chased by 200 bears, trying to keep a steady but fast pace. As I came to another corner my heart stared to beat faster (Ba boom Ba boom) with my adrenaline pumped to its max it was time to let the lion out of the cage.
I went flying down the hill the relief of the hills help had shocked the muscle cramp out of me I was now ready for the full pain of the TIS cross country. ” your doing well people keep going ” I heard a teacher say. I went up the hill towards the turf. I felt like I was going to faint, at that moment  met up with Brianna a girl in my class she was having the same problem to which motivated me to keep running. We were now in front of the turf, the first place where the spectators can see you.


As the year 7 girls began to line up on the starting line, my heart started to pound as I was waiting for the gun to go off my legs started to tremble in fear, on your marks, get set, bang!!, off I went trying to keep my pace, it was like a stampede of elephants, pushing and shoving as I was trying to get through the crowd.

As I headed down Fraser Street it gave me a enough energy to pass a few people, up through the back entrance, as I came around the turf it was all muddy and my toes dug beneath the squishy mud,as I made my way to the bike stands it was nice and shady a light breeze passed by which was just what I needed, pass the mighty TAWA house, behind Miro and through Manuka I was almost finished,
suddenly I saw other people doing another lap Mrs Flynn had told us wrong I was gutted

I began to sweat on the palm of my hands, as I went on I could hear my mum, dad and teachers encouraging me, I started to pick up my pace this time I was almost finished, when I went past I could hear TAWA house cheering me on “go Laquisha! you can do it!” in the distance I could see the finish line, unexpectedly a girl from Rimu began to catch up with me, I tried as hard as I could to beat her but she just got their before me.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Bella and Laquisha, you used your senses to paint a picture so as a reader, I felt like I was there with you! Next step is to correct a couple of mistakes in spelling words that are spelt different but sound the same e.g. shore/sure 'I was sure I would win' and 'over on the shore'. Also some punctuation missed but an excellent effort to be very proud of!
