Monday 22 September 2014

In term 3 room 26 have been lucky enough to have a student teacher, Miss Lloyd. Before she left she started a emotive descriptive narrative with us and we have set up and described one of many emotions.

I`m quite jealous of my neighbour Pride and his wife Vain, Pride is always polishing his yellow Lambargini or one of his many trophies. And Vain is never not looking in a mirror or showing off her perfect body in a mini dress.
Pride is the CEO of a really successful company and has a really flash 2 story house with lots of mirrors and trophy cases. They are always throwing lots of parties showing off their wealth with prizes and many expensive goody bags.
Even though they donate lots of money, everyone knows that they only do it to make their name known even more than it is now and so that people know he does good when he doesn’t. 
 They have never wanted any kids because she  wants to keep her perfect body, and she said all her “friends” agree with her when they didn’t. And by the way they live on greedy lane.

Anger lives at Rage street in a red house surrounded by a barbed wire fence. He drives a monster truck with spiked wheels and doesn’t stop for pedestrians. Anger goes to a school and sits in a class fuming with   a teacher that only cares about girls. Anger has a family, his wife is called frustration and he has two cats called spiteful and vicious and they don’t care about anything. He plays a game called American football that is full of anger because then he can smash people and get a away with it.

Vain takes delight in looking at him self in the mirror .Envy his wife also takes delight in looking in the mirror. Vain and Envy live in house of mirrors.Envy envies there mirror lamborghini . Envy envies the love there neighbours show she and her husband never show love to each other. Vain dreams of him self he wants to buy him self. Vain’s job is to test mirrors.Envy envies her husbands looks.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

You asked for selfies so here is a couple for you! Top pic is Stacey michelsen and I . Bottom pic is Gem,Anita Punt and I after the game against Canada

We are in the semi final! We won the game today against Canada 6-0 so play England next.


Great to see all the comments and questions! 
Some answers to your questions on the Kelpies...
Kelpies are a mythical water beast that transforms from horse to human with the strength of 10 men!
They were built to represent the importance of horses in history in Scotland where they have been used in industry to pull wagons,ploughs, barges and coal ships. They are made out of steel with stainless steel cladding and each one weighs 300 tonnes!  I haven't seen them at night but they are all lit up with different colored lights.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Writing in Room 26

 In room 26 we have been writing about the recent Tauranga Intermediate school cross country!
To see more go to our individual blogs.

Bella Boom! the gun fired I burst across the start line feeling like a horse that had just escaped from the gates and was starting the race. I could feel the ground vibrate beneath my feet as the crowd rumbled across the field. I had no pain now but knew it was soon to come. ” Ahh this stupid crowd ” I said under my rough breath, we were rounding a corner and the group I was stuck in, slowed as a result of the narrow path,  everybody was trying desperately to escape the hussle.

When I was freed  I sprinted onto the sidewalk outside of the school making shore no one could pass this was when the sweat began, it dripped down my forehead  I could feel my face burning in the sunlight I felt like a mountain trekker being chased by 200 bears, trying to keep a steady but fast pace. As I came to another corner my heart stared to beat faster (Ba boom Ba boom) with my adrenaline pumped to its max it was time to let the lion out of the cage.
I went flying down the hill the relief of the hills help had shocked the muscle cramp out of me I was now ready for the full pain of the TIS cross country. ” your doing well people keep going ” I heard a teacher say. I went up the hill towards the turf. I felt like I was going to faint, at that moment  met up with Brianna a girl in my class she was having the same problem to which motivated me to keep running. We were now in front of the turf, the first place where the spectators can see you.


As the year 7 girls began to line up on the starting line, my heart started to pound as I was waiting for the gun to go off my legs started to tremble in fear, on your marks, get set, bang!!, off I went trying to keep my pace, it was like a stampede of elephants, pushing and shoving as I was trying to get through the crowd.

As I headed down Fraser Street it gave me a enough energy to pass a few people, up through the back entrance, as I came around the turf it was all muddy and my toes dug beneath the squishy mud,as I made my way to the bike stands it was nice and shady a light breeze passed by which was just what I needed, pass the mighty TAWA house, behind Miro and through Manuka I was almost finished,
suddenly I saw other people doing another lap Mrs Flynn had told us wrong I was gutted

I began to sweat on the palm of my hands, as I went on I could hear my mum, dad and teachers encouraging me, I started to pick up my pace this time I was almost finished, when I went past I could hear TAWA house cheering me on “go Laquisha! you can do it!” in the distance I could see the finish line, unexpectedly a girl from Rimu began to catch up with me, I tried as hard as I could to beat her but she just got their before me.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

News Flash

In Room 26 we are about to start using Kid-blogger. This will mean that we will each have our own blog and can personalise it and publish our own posts.  Our individual blogs are linked from the homepage of our class blog.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Soft Materials

This bag was made by Maison
This week Room 26 has been doing our technology rotation. Some of us have been in soft materials making waterproof cases such as phone bags, boot bags and pencil cases. Miss Young was our teacher she taught us skills like threading, using the sewing machine and using tailor’s chalk. The attributes of our cases were velcro, webbing for the strap and bright coloured fabric. Room 26 really enjoyed our technology and can’t wait to do it again next year. What did you learn during technology block?
This bag was made by Kade 

Hard Materials

This week Room 26 has been doing our technology rotations, we have been doing soft materials and hard materials. I was in the hard materials group, in our lessons we learn’t about the process of making anything with wood. We made photo frames using scroll saws, drill presses and paint.

I loved technology and can’t wait to do it again next year. What made your photo frame unique and special?

                                                  This photo frame was made by Anzac

Sunday 11 May 2014

Free verse poetry - Anzac Day

Lest we forget.... We remembered Anzac day and wrote some poems to share our thoughts about war.

Daily Writing - Figurative Language Review

Room 26 has been focusing on using figurative language to enhance their writing this week.

What is personification?   - Giving an object a human quality e.g. an emotion or action.

 We have used the comments box below to share examples of using personification...

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Journeying the Obstacle Course

Drip..drip I was sweating and the bright sun was beaming on this beautiful Tuesday afternoon  and i was ready to go like a spotty Cheetah that has just seen it’s juicy prey.
Here we are finally at Waimarino for a class trip.

GO! I sped across the first part of the tricky Obstacle course the pressure is on!
I was focused.
Eyes on the tunnel.
Suddenly I felt wet gooey bird poo on my hand as i crawled through the end of the tunnel.

I steadily but quickly balanced along the big thick wooden beam , but at the same dreading that I would fall off.

I can see the end “ I’m nearly there!”
Just as I reached the end my leg tripped on the rope swing, but I get up and carry on faster and faster I climb across.

What a relief I have finished this sophisticated playground is completed, with my legs still shaking , I found that my time was only 2:00 minutes what a remarkable time!

As I finish celebrating my success I get ready to go again, maybe next time I will get an even better time.

BY Blayze

Please use the 'comments' feature to give Blayze 1 piece of feedback and one piece of feed-forward on her writing. Refer to the criteria on the class wall to support you to give specific feedback.

Saturday 22 March 2014


Our comments will reflect who we are so it is important that we put our best digital foot forward.
We constructed the following criteria for blog comments:

Blogging in Room 26.

Today we discussed what we already knew about blogging.  We also looked at other classroom blogs.  We then brainstormed the purpose of a Rm 26 blog.  Our ideas are captured below.

Monday 10 March 2014

Maths - Week 7

This week as part of our maths rotations we will be exploring different problem solving strategies. Click here for the problem.